Monday, March 14, 2011

Mars Needs Moms: Why?

On the one hand I hate it when people judge a movie/tv show/book I like without seeing/watching/reading it first. You can't know for sure if you like/hate something without trying it.

On the other hand I am a complete hypocrite because I judge various forms of media without first engaging in them all the time.

Take for example this movie:

“Mars Needs Moms” looks kind of terrible; kind of real terrible. The kind of terrible that makes you wonder why it was made. None of the jokes in the trailer were funny, all of the characters seemed irritating, and the humans are all animated with faces that look incredibly creepy (much creepier than the Martians).

This movie cost 150 million dollars to make so clearly someone, somewhere, thought it was a good idea. I just can’t figure out why.

Well, whatever. I don’t want to spend 10$ on a ticket to be proven right/wrong about this movie being bad. I guess it will forever remain a mystery to me.
I think I’m okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. OR
    we could pirate it.

    that way if it sucks, then you get to keep your $10 so you can spend it on booze, er, I mean, PENCILS (for your drawings), and if it really REALLY sucks, then you can feel okay about stealing because its as though somehow exacting revenge on the crazy millionaires who endorsed this crazy idea.

    then on the other hand, if it is (magically, by the will of God) actually amazing, then, uh, yay! risk taken. you still get to keep your $10.

    pirates have the answers to everything.
